Offshore Trusts & Foundations

Offshore trusts and foundations can play an important role in the holding of wealth. In the right circumstances they can allow assets to be preserved, protected and accumulated, whilst potentially minimising or deferring any exposure to tax.

Offshore tax and accounting services

Even allowing for the fact that the UK tax treatment of such entities is subject to change as the UK moves from a domicile basis to a residence basis, offshore trusts/foundations are nonetheless likely to remain an important tool in wealth planning going forward.

We can assist you in achieving a number of objectives using offshore trusts/foundations, including:

  • The preservation of assets in the light of political, economic or family related uncertainties.

  • Transferring wealth to future generations tax efficiently.

  • Ensuring that your wishes for the devolvement of your wealth are carried out.

  • Consolidating the ownership of assets in one location.

By carefully considering your particular circumstances, we can advise on the formation, administration and management of offshore trusts or foundations to help you address these concerns. If you would like to discuss our offshore accounting services please get in touch.


Ground Floor South Suite
Afon House
Worthing Road
West Sussex
RH12 1TL

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