Tax and Commercial Property

Commercial property is a sector which rarely stays the same for long often reflecting changes in both personal and business confidence, as well as legislative changes, all of which can impact on the value of property. As commercial property accountants, we’ll help you navigate the ever-changing regulations and ensure that you hold any commercial assets as tax efficiently as possible.

Commercial property accountants

Commercial property can be held personally but is more usually held through asset owning structures. These allow a separation of management from ownership and may result in income and capital gains being taxed at the lower corporate tax rates. In contrast there is an increased tax liability where property assets are owned personally. However, the tax cost of extracting funds from asset owning structures also needs to be considered and we can help you to resolve which form of ownership is best suited to your circumstances and objectives.

There are also transactional taxes to consider, such as Value Added Tax (VAT) and Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). Both VAT and SDLT have the potential to reduce the margin on any property transaction and we can help you plan for, and mitigate these transactional taxes.

Commercial property interests are a key asset class in the wealth held by clients of Ritchie Phillips. Our clients have a range of property portfolios, held either as investors or developers, together with other businesses involved in the construction sector and associated professional services. With our extensive experience in commercial property accountancy, Ritchie Phillips can help you maximise the potential return from your property holdings from both a commercial point of view and by reducing the exposure to tax through careful planning.

Contact us if you have concerns about a commercial property holding and would like to speak to an experienced commercial property accountant.


Ground Floor South Suite
Afon House
Worthing Road
West Sussex
RH12 1TL

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