Wills and Estate Planning

Estate planning needs a detailed understanding of both your financial position and the circumstances of you and your family. By allowing us to periodically review your plans for your estate and assess your financial position and potential tax liabilities, you will be able to reduce and manage the impact of taxation on your estate and leave it as you intend to your family and other beneficiaries.

Estate planning accountant

Estate planning also needs an ability to respond as changes take place, be that a change in personal circumstances or a in the relevant tax regulations.

Regular reviews with you and, if appropriate, members of your family ensure that we are aware of your wishes as they change over time and can help you update your estate planning accordingly. Getting to know you also allows us to assist in resolving sensitive family issues should they arise and gives you confidence that your wishes will be carried out as intended.

Our specialisation in estate planning allows us to help you draft your Will in a tax efficient manner which for  a married couple, or a couple in a civil partnership, is often to create two funds, namely:

  • A discretionary trust for the surviving spouse/civil partner, children and grandchildren

  • A life interest trust for the surviving spouse/civil partner

Our estate planning team can advise on whether this approach may be suitable for you. If you would like to discuss estate planning with our accountancy team, please get in touch.


Ground Floor South Suite
Afon House
Worthing Road
West Sussex
RH12 1TL

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